About Us

So, who are we?
The Lash Life was created by Olivia Cross an experienced eyelash technician. Olivia will only use The Lash Life products and as an experienced eyelash technician, she is able to keep up to date with the latest trends and create products which she knows are beneficial for you and your clients.
This is why Olivia started The Lash Life
“I wanted to find products which would benefit myself and my clients and I just couldn’t find them anywhere. So, I created my own. As many eyelash technicians starting out I came across a lot of problems and barriers which made me just want to GIVE UP, rip up the certificates I worked hard for and throw my products in the bin! I tried the 9-5 and it wasn’t for me! But, I went to eyelashes and I loved it regardless of the 14 hour days, continuous research, building my client base and so on. I wanted a job I could interact with people, give people confidence, be able to see a ‘before and after’ and the amazing client feedback. So the idea of The Lash Life products is that you don’t have that worry of problems and barriers. When I started using my own products it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and when I had the pleasure of doing sets for other lash technicians they asked me why don't you sell your own products you have created? The next day I created my logo and stock sold out on the first day of launching. 
So, here with The Lash Life you have the products and you have the tips and tricks all in one place so you don’t have to spend months researching online and watching Youtube videos! THE FLAT CLASSIC LASHES creates a better bond with lashes rather than normal classic lashes meaning better retention! However, I found some other brands can sometimes look too thick for ‘natural’ sets so The Lash Life Flat Classic Lashes still create the classic look without damaging the natural lashes. Initially, I struggled with the Russian fanning technique so my main priority was to find a product which was quick, easy, fluffy and good quality but still hand made fans so I could adjust fans to suit each client’s natural lash. The EASY FANNING RUSSIAN EYELASHES were life-changing for me and my clients. It was quicker for me which meant I could do more clients daily, meaning increased profit and happier clients (especially if you have some clients who can’t settle). 
The Lash Life products have made me enjoy every set more, it has increased my profits, increased my clients and increased my treatment quality and I’m sure it will for you too!”

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